Welcome to the BackYard Prepper!

Hello all! Welcome to the BackYard Prepper! As with any visitor to any website, you’re probably wondering, “What in the world is the “BackYard Prepper” all about? The answer is actually quite simple. This site is a place where any and all topics regarding disaster (whether natural or man-made) preparation can be discussed and shared.

The world has become a smaller place in some ways. The easiest way to see this is by recognizing how much information is available at the touch of a button and how far-reaching an idea can be in a matter of seconds. In the history of mankind such incredible information sharing at such a rapid rate to so many people and places has never been possible.

Vital Information

However, even though the world has become “smaller”, the potential for disasters remains the same. The technological world of mankind may have brought far-flung places and people closer together but the results of any disaster remain the same – a minor/major inconvenience for the prepared and a life threatening situation for those who are not.

In this age, there is absolutely no reason for any human being, in any part of the world, to be unprepared for an emergency. Of course, no one can prepare for everything. It may not have occurred to someone living in the desert to prepare for a flood or for someone living in the jungle to expect two feet of snow.

But it is entirely reasonable for someone who lives near a dam to prepare for a life threatening flood or someone who lives in the mountains to prepare for mounds of snow. Both disasters will likely find people unable to obtain life-saving help, only being able to rely on themselves and whatever resources and information they have available at the time.


Sometimes a collision or other accident occurs with no warning whatsoever. But, in most instances there is a moment of realization that something is about to happen.

It is in that moment that instinctive reactions can save lives. In many situations there is considerable time in which an awareness of potential disaster can develop and that is when the panic reaction is probably the most dangerous.

Panic can cause people to do foolish things that will only increase their danger. They should, instead, be assessing the possibilities and looking for some kind of suitable shelter in which to wait until the conditions become safe to continue.

Some situations are predictable and knowledge of the techniques for handling them will minimize risks. Learn them as they may save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Some may be relatively easy to follow, but others, like waiting for the right moment to escape from a sinking car, will take considerably more understanding and self-control.


Good planning and preparation enable a survivor to confront difficulties and dangers that pose a serious threat to survival. They become contingencies for which you are equipped.

More importantly, being prepared as much as possible, can help mitigate the “fight-or-flight” response for which we humans are biologically wired. The first requirement for any prepper is control of one’s self. You must overcome the tendency to panic and take the action appropriate to the situation.

But, as mentioned before, you can not anticipate everything. You must be ready to respond rapidly to unexpected dangers and deal with potential disasters rationally and realistically.

Keeping calm, in the knowledge that you have the ability to handle the situation will not only allow you to see it through, but also to see other potential solutions.


Disaster may involve you in a contained situation which you must handle alone – or you may find yourself one of hundreds of people in a large-scale disaster over which there can be no control at all.

Keep in mind that the home front faces the problems of coping with survival on your own doorstep if the services and supplies on which we all normally depend are cut off.

Lack of power, running water, food and medical supplies are all distinct possibilities during any disaster. Although it may not seem important, going without essential supplies for a few hours, much less a few days can seem like an eternity.

Knowing not only how to survive, but even thrive, without the modern conveniences we all take for granted can make a critical difference in not only your physical health, but most importantly, your mental health. Because, in the end, a well functioning mind is the best weapon anyone has when faced with disasters.


Any survival techniques described on the BackYard Prepper are for use in dire circumstances only, where the safety of any individuals are at risk.

Accordingly, those of us here at the BackYard Prepper can not accept any responsibility for any prosecutions or proceedings brought or instituted against any person or body as a result of the use or misuse of any techniques or tools described or any loss, injury or damage caused thereby.

In practicing and perfecting any survival techniques described on The BackYard Prepper, the rights of individuals, landowners and all relevant laws protecting certain species of plants and animals and controlling the use of firearms and other weapons must be regarded as paramount.

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