
Fire Disaster


Disasters – whether it be a small-scale accident or a mammoth catastrophe, may both bring about a life-or-death situation. Regardless, the same disciplines and quick thinking are needed.

Accidents or isolation are not the only causes of a survival situation. There are many natural and man-made forces which can produce disasters demanding the same survival skills. . Drought, fire, earthquake and flood, for instance, can strike both in a remote camp or at home.

The survivor should not only know the techniques needed in a forest fire but also have all the necessary information needed to know how to escape from a burning building or even the site of an explosion.

Everyone should know how to face the problems of coping with survival on your own doorstep if the services and supplies on which we normally depend are not available.

The goal of any prepper is not only to remain alive, but also to survive what could be a drastically changed landscape. This may not only refer to a physical landscape, but social, economic and political as well. It is likely impossible to predict, with any certainty, what the aftermath of any upheaval will look like.

However, go here to take a look at some ideas and tactics that could be used After The Fall and the potential subsequent collapse of the collective landscapes.